D.C. Disconnect: The Real Yes Men

While the political prank behind news reports that General Electric had decided to pay all its taxes was quickly uncovered, a much greater fraud continues undetected.

Behind the GE prank was a group of political satirists and activists who call themselves the Yes Men. But it’s the nation’s major media that’s really earned that name with its relentless unquestioning hype of deficit hysteria and the need for harsh cuts to social programs.

Anointing only those politicians willing to consider the most severe cuts as the most serious, the major media haven’t questioned who’s behind this austerity agenda, and who will profit from it: Wall Street.

It’s the same crowd that sold the politicians and the public on the benefits of financial deregulation in the 80s, and then scared the country into providing Wall Street with a no-questions asked bailout. We all know how that worked out for the rest of us.

Who would fall for their snake oil a second time without closer examination? The real yes men just keep out churning out the Wall Street-induced hysteria with a straight face. When regular folks insist they're more concerned with unemployment and foreclosures than they are with the deficit, the real yes men just tut-tut.

The little people will never understand.

For Wall Street and its political enablers, the austerity agenda hoax is a just a Trojan horse to carry them to their real goals: crippling government’s ability to regulate and keeping taxes low for the wealthiest Americans.

The financial industry plays the two teams off each other: Republicans claim the Democrats aren’t man enough to make real cuts, while Democrats argue we should go along with their version of austerity to avoid the Tea Party’s lunatic extremes.

After caving in and extending the Bush era tax cuts last year, President Obama has recently talked about sprinkling increased taxes for the wealthiest among the cutbacks on the poor and middle class. But so far in his presidency he has shown little stomach to fight for even his own positions when they encounter resistance from either Wall Street or Republicans.

One of the most bizarre aspects of the continuing hoax is the respect given to the credit rating agencies, which have been justly chastised, but so far escaped prosecution, for their irresponsible antics in the financial collapse. They have about as much credibility as the recently junked color-coded terror alerts.

Now we have credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s, which never raised alarms about toxic mortgage securities, and slept through the both the budget-busting Bush tax cuts and the Obama extension, throwing the stock market into conniptions over the deficit.

It’s not just a coincidence. The ratings agencies are bought and paid for by servants of Wall Street. They know that Wall Street was reaping big short-term profits off the mortgage securities, and favors tax cuts for the rich. They also know Wall Street favors government-crippling budget cuts.

Just how long will the real Wall Street, its servants and cronies get away with this ruse?


Phony Moderates, Real Power

Beware wolves dressed in moderates’ clothing.

Especially the “fresh thinking” as gussied up by the group calling itself “Third Way,” which tries to put a genteel, highbrow facade on its advocacy for increasing austerity and financial insecurity for the majority of Americans.

Digging beneath the sunny platitudes about promoting growth, you will find that the organization is chock full of high finance types and their political servants, so it’s no surprise that they’re more interested in rethinking what they like to belittle as entitlements and boosting too big-to fail banks than they are in raising questions about the financial system.

And they’re not laying down these proposals just to hear themselves talk.

These people have real power to set the terms of the debate and strongly influence decision-makers.

The most obvious example is President Obama’s new chief of staff, Bill Daley, the former top official of J.P. Morgan who sits on Third Way’s board.

He’s just the latest in a string of  bad appointments the president has made to oversee the nation's economy, from Tim Geithner and Larry Summers to Gene Sperling, the Goldman-Sachs alum who fought for financial deregulation in the Clinton White House, who was recently appointed to replace Summers on the Council of Economic Advisers. Then there's Jeffrey Immelt, GE’s CEO the outsourcing, plant-shutting ace who Obama put in charge of reducing the unemployment rate.

For his part, Daley seems to have earned his job as the president’s chief adviser by fighting against financial reform, especially from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The mainstream media has worked hard to foster the idea of centrism, with Third Way as a prime proponent of “moderate ideas.”

But there’s nothing moderate about the continuing unhealthy influence of corporate America over our political process, fostering policies that are turning us into something more like a Third World country polarized between haves and have nots than the land of opportunity for all.

There’s nothing moderate about the fear-driven wealth and power grab, otherwise known as the federal bailout, that entrenched the wealth built for a select few in the years of the bubble economy, while it increased economic insecurity for the rest of us. As Neil Barofsky, TARP’s inspector-general, pointed out in his most recent report, it also entrenched the political and financial clout of “too big to fail” financial institutions.

There’s nothing moderate about the austerity agenda of shared sacrifice which consists of cuts to Social Security, Medicare and education.

There’s nothing moderate about the attack on the economic system that was built in the wake of the Great Depression and World War II, which combined the power of the free market with a system of regulation and safety nets. That attack, with its intellectual underpinnings in the work of the economist Milton Friedman, was launched in the 1980s and has been carried forward by politicians of both parties.

Meanwhile, two of the most impassioned politicians standing up to that attack, from opposite ends of the spectrum, would probably be characterized by the mainstream media as extremist: Sen. Bernie Sanders, the independent socialist from Vermont, and Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian from  Texas. Those two men, who would probably find much to disagree on, worked together to pass a bill to audit the highly secretive activities of the Federal Reserve during the bailout.

You may or may not agree with Sanders or Paul either, but they aren’t afraid to challenge a status quo which props up the powerful while undermining the powerless.

You can scour Third Way’s materials and you won’t find anything that challenges the risky practices of financial institutions that wrecked our economy. You won’t find anything that challenges the power equation that props up the status quo. Behind its rhetoric of moderation, Third Way knows which side it’s on.

Around the Web: How a Big Bank Shows Its Gratitude

While the mainstream press has focused on the dubious notion that the Citibank bailout will turn out to be a good deal for taxpayers, the Center for Media and Democracy tallies up the real cost of the entire bailout so far: $4.6 trillion, with $2 trillion outstanding.

Most of that money comes from the Federal Reserve, not the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which amounts to a measly $700 million. The Fed bank dole is handled in complete secrecy, which is why Bloomberg News is suing to get the Fed to open its books, which got the WheresOurMoney treatment here.

As for Citibank and the supposed bonanza for taxpayers, Dean Baker takes it apart in this Beat the Press column. In any case, Citibank is eternally gratefully to taxpayers. Here’s how they’re showing it.

Get out the popcorn. Phil Angelides’ Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission is gearing up for another round of hearings April 7 through 9, this one on subprime loans and scheduled to feature former Fed chair Alan Greenspan, who before the bubble burst, used to take pride in being able to obfuscate any economic issue. If Angelides thought Goldman’s CEO was like a salesman peddling faulty cars, I wonder what he makes of Greenspan, who worshipped the financial deregulation that made the wreck not only possible, but probable.

Angelides meanwhile, appears to be playing down expectations for the FCIC, kvetching to the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board about the small size of the panel’s budget ($8 million) and short time frame (final report due in December).

While everybody was bowing down to Greenspan, they should have been listening to Harry Markopolos, the man who was tried to blow the whistle on Bernie Madoff but was repeatedly ignored by the SEC. Now he’s written a book. He doesn’t think the SEC has improved much.  Russell Mokhiber has a good interview with Markopolos in his Corporate Crime Reporter.