Obama to Bailout Cop: Beat It!

The Obama administration, which has increasingly been adopting a can’t do attitude when it comes to putting real teeth into financial regulation, now wants to take out the teeth already in place.

Treasury officials are signaling they’d rather not have the same aggressive special inspector general overseeing the $700 billion federal bailout anywhere near their new $30 billion bank subsidy to encourage lending to small business.

I wrote about that inspector general, Neil Barofsky, a couple of weeks ago, suggesting he was one of the few public officials actually trying to protect our money rather than just acting as a rubber stamp for Wall Street’s raid on the U.S. Treasury.

Barofsky has issued a series of scathing reports raising questions about federal officials’ handling of the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Treasury officials contend that although the $30 billion would come from unspent TARP funds, it’s technically not TARP. So Barofsky should butt out. Their real reason for not wanting Barofsky around is simple: the banks don’t like him looking over their shoulders.

You can’t blame the banks for that. No doubt it’s a lot more fun to spend your federal handout without some nosy former federal prosecutor scrutinizing every move you make.

But for the Obama administration to go along with it is troubling and baffling. The president promised an unprecedented level of accountability, understanding that openness would go a long way toward restoring credibility in the financial system and the government’s ability to oversee it.

But Treasury officials appear to be more concerned with keeping the bankers happy than they are with keeping them honest.

The news about Barofsky surfaced as the administration appeared to be backing away from its recent embrace of former Fed chief Paul Volcker, who favors limits on bank size and risky financial trading. Predictably, the financial titans were balking at the proposals.

The administration’s move against Barofsky is both bad policy and bad politics. It seems designed to hand live ammunition to the mistrustful antigovernment troops of the Tea Party.

Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats have been quiet on the issue. The president and the Democrats have accomplished what at one time would have been seen as a nearly impossible task: handing the mantle of accountability and openness over to Republicans, who are howling with outrage over the idea of keeping Barofsky away from the small-business lending subsidy.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Ca., said earlier this week: “Denying SIGTARP the ability to defend taxpayers sends a chilling message that IGs who conduct real oversight will be punished for holding this Administration accountable.”

At the very least, the administration needs to come to its senses and regain its commitment to transparency. Let Barofsky do his job. The administration should be paying better attention to his criticisms, not trying to get rid of him.

Finding Opportunity Among Democrats' Troubles

It’s the bankers, stupid!

President Obama, fresh from a stinging defeat in Massachusetts, came out swinging Thursday against the banks, promising a return to the spirit of Glass-Steagall.

The rhetoric was strong but the details were a little vague. It sounds like he’s suggesting limiting the size of banks as well as their ability to gamble with taxpayer backing. You can be sure the finance lobby will fight to block whatever new initiative the president offers.

Obama’s rhetoric is a year late but does provide opportunity nonetheless. The key thing is that Obama and the Democrats’ problems put real financial reform back on the table.

The debate over breaking up the banks has been fraught with fear-mongering and propaganda: supporters of the big banks argue business won’t have the resources to make big deals. Even smart people say dumb things in the debate, as Dean Baker points out. Broken-up banks will still be huge by any standard, just not quite so capable of taking the entire economy with them when they crash.

The obstacles to reform remain the same as they have been:

1.) a financial industry with unlimited resources for the fight

2.) politicians squeamish to take on their contributors in that industry, and only too willing to let bankers squiggle out of regulation in the legislative fine print

But Obama and other Democratic leaders have felt the sharp prick of the pitchforks in their rear ends.

They know that the public is aware of their clueless response to the financial crisis, shoveling billions to the titans of finance while failing to stem rising unemployment and foreclosures.

One step Obama didn’t take this morning was to scrap his entire financial team, the engineers of his too-comfy relationship to Wall Street and timid response to the crisis that has afflicted Main Street.

Except for 80-year-old Paul Volcker, the former Fed chief who has been born again as a reformer, they should all be fired.

On Thursday, Obama insisted he wasn’t afraid of a fight with the bankers. Certainly none of his team except Volcker have shown any inclination for doing or saying anything that would upset the bankers, let alone a brawl.

The current Fed chief, Ben Bernanke, is also feeling the chill from Massachusetts. Roll Call  is reporting that his confirmation for another term may be in peril, while The Hill reports that Senate Majority Harry Reid has “serious concerns” about how Bernanke, who has strong backing from Obama, plans to deal with the economy.

Now is the time to hold the president to his word. By all means contact Obama and applaud his tough speech Thursday. Contact your congressperson and senator and remind them that you’re paying attention to the reform battle and aren’t about to be fooled. Check out my open letters to Sens. Boxer and Feinstein for my bottom line on real reform.

We  need to tell the president and Congress that we won’t settle for phony reform that lacks transparency or a piddling tax on banks that represents just a fraction of their revenues. We need to tell them that we won’t settle for legislation alone – we need an antitrust crackdown to break the power of the big banks.

If you need ammunition for your phone calls and emails, here’s a study that shows how the financial industry has managed to thwart meaningful reform so far: it spent $344 million lobbying Congress – just in the first three quarters of 2009!

Meanwhile, Goldman-Sachs announced record profits last year, while it doled a mere $16.2 billion for bonuses.

Time will tell whether Obama is capable of delivering the fight he promised to back up his newfound populist punch. But let’s not give the president, or Congress, any excuse to back off or get distracted. Only relentless jabs from you and others will keep them from getting cozy again with their financial industry cronies.

The question right now is not whether Obama is up for the fight. The question is: can we turn our anger and frustration into a political force?